MyDistricting | Utah Legislative Redistricting Committee
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
UT House Proposal Redone
Provide your comments for consideration in the 2021 Redistricting process
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Population and Geography based on 2020 Census
Jake Hendriksen
The people of Utah have already spoken on this matter, when we voted for and passed Proposition 4. Any changes to the maps proposed by the Independent Redistricting Commission are simply unacceptable. With good reason, based upon sad history, we do not trust the Legislature to put the desires of the people over their own. The reason for that distrust is demonstrated yet again in these gerrymandered districts presented here.
Raelene Blocker
This District is geographically too large.
Clay P
Maps that were not developed and designed by the Independent redistricting commission are a direct violation of the peoples will. The State is violating the will of the voters by stripping Prop 4 of its power, so they can attempt to consolidate power further, the house proposed boundaries do not represent the people, and fail to uphold the will of the people when Prop 4 passed by more votes than any single politician in the state house represents, yet these people who have received less than 20 thousand votes in their wins, believe they know what is best for the 600k+ who voted for an Independent commission.
Clay P
Maps that were not developed and designed by the Independent redistricting commission are a direct violation of the peoples will. The State is violating the will of the voters by stripping Prop 4 of its power, so they can attempt to consolidate power further, the house proposed boundaries do not represent the people, and fail to uphold the will of the people when Prop 4 passed by more votes than any single politician in the state house represents, yet these people who have received less than 20 thousand votes in their wins, believe they know what is best for the 600k+ who voted for an Independent commission.
Linda J Eddington
Blatant attempt to dilute SLC area voters interests. Rural voters also deserve to have a clear voice. This serves no one but the Republican party.
Penny Jameson
This is an embarrassing arrogant disregard for the opinion of voters expressed in Prop 4, and of the transparent and inclusive work of the Independent Redistricting Committee which produced 5 legitimate options for consideration. How can you justify that? How can you claim this map to be the result of a democratic process?
Patricia becnel
The redistricting plan created by the independent council is much fairer, less gerrymandered and expresses the will of the people. It should be used. I DO NOT support the plan made by legislators.
Sarah Duensing
If it wasn't drawn by the IRDC we don't want it! The voters spoke when we passed Prop 4 in 2018.