MyDistricting | Utah Legislative Redistricting Committee
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
Provide your comments for consideration in the 2021 Redistricting process
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District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Population and Geography based on 2020 Census
Karin L Fenn
Bad map seeks to divide the urban center of Salt Lake which is the fastest growing most diverse area of the state. This area will continue to have really challenging problems given the drought and the increased demand on infrastructure and resources. This needs to be a district by itself in order to fairly represent the complex needs.
Nathan Hall
This is a bad map by a republican who apparently wants to maintain the status quo of complete party control over the state (even though 30% of the state doesn't vote for Repubs). Always thought that Ray Ward seemed like one of the rare reasonable republicans, but this map says otherwise. No reason to split SL County into 3 districts unless your intent is gerrymandering to keep 100% complete Repub control. Sad.
Adam Fortuna
In 2018 Utah voters passed proposition 4 to establish an independent redistricting committee. Keeping this map that blatantly splits up Salt Lake and isn't significantly different from the existing map makes no sense. As someone who lives in SLC, but has friends in Sugarhouse and Millcreek, we'd be split into 3 different districts despite being only a few miles apart and part of the same city. Let's call this map what it is: gerrymandering and lazy.
Sarah Duensing
This would keep all districts extremely red, which is not reflective of how Utah voters vote. We honestly deserve one solid blue urban district, but at least give us a swing district???
Taylor Anderson
Catherine Voutaz
How Bad is this map? All districts generate an R greater than 59.81% - This leaves effectively results in 1/3 of the voters from of the State of Utah without representation in congress, Zero competitiveness and all gerrymandered. If this map is voted as accepted by the Committee or the Legislature - it will show Party over the interests of Utah as a whole.
Robert Dood
This is atrocious: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Robert Dood
This is atrocious: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Robert Dood
This is atrocious: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Rachel Legree
Congressman Stewart hasn't appeared in Salt Lake City for an event since 2017, this map is already gerrymandered so why would we keep it? Is there a reason the Better Boundries maps look so different? Yes it takes the voters into account and accurately reflects our local area. Get me out of this salamander map and choose something else.
Stuart Hepworth
Keeping a map (correctly) seen as a gerrymander intact heightens the perception that the new map is a gerrymander, rather than diminishing it.
Malcolm Reid
Making minimal changes to an already gerrymandered map results in a new gerrymandered map.