MyDistricting | Utah Legislative Redistricting Committee
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
David Reece Congressional Plan
Provide your comments for consideration in the 2021 Redistricting process
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District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Population and Geography based on 2020 Census
Brenda Clausen
Salt Lake County is split. Salt Lake City extends to the western and southern border of the state. The district borders are jagged lines. The UIRC maps are far superior for achieving fair districts. Voters support fair maps.
Sandra Marsh
This is blatant gerrymandering. I have traveled this state from end to end and appreciate the distinctiveness of towns and regions. Lumping huge swaths of rural Utah with a few square miles of Salt Lake City leaves all residents voiceless. How can a representative focus on the critical needs of their constituents when the needs are so diverse? I am tired of contacting my representative when I know my concern will be ignored. While Utah may be able to boast of its bullet-proof election process, the rigged lack of opportunity for true congressional representation is appalling. The legislature’s map represents the power hunger of most of its members; it represents paternal arrogance. Utah citizens voted for an independent commission for a good reason. New districts should based on the commissions maps. Don’t worry, I’m sure a minimum of 3/4 districts will remain republican. Please do your patriotic duty.
Karin Fenn
This map is ridiculous and seeks to divide up the urban area again. Just another example of gerrymandering. The urban areas are changing and represent far more diversity and very different challenges that the rural areas. Drawing district lines to include sparsely populated rural areas with increasingly densely populated urban areas is ridiculous. Do the rural areas have to walk through unhoused communities in their streets, and take their students on walks through neighborhoods where they see needles, and people in horrible states of neglect and lack of care? Obviously not. This represents just one problem that urban Salt Lake is facing that even other adjacent urban areas are not. Again the districting should seek to balance population while organizing communities with similar concerns, challenges and interests. It should not seek to maintain a particular political agenda which this map would support. Not good just another form of gerrymandering.
Marilyn Torres
Respectfully disagreeing with you Mr. Reece. Splitting Salt Lake County by grouping extremely urban areas with extremely rural areas does not fairly represent anyone. Salt Lake City urban needs have very little in common with rural and National Park needs, and this map does both populations a disservice.
Adam Fortuna
This map is awful. I don't understand how someone in Salt Lake City would have the same problems as someone in Cedar City, or the entire western half of the state. This is a blatant grab for electors to choose their voters. And for the comment "if some county has to be broken up, let's break up SL county to 4 districts". SL county represents 36% of the total Utah population, yet is divided into 4 districts. That's supposed to be "better" than dividing it into 2? No. The UIRC maps keep communities together far better.
Sarah Duensing
STOP SPLITTING SALT LAKE COUNTY!!! No county should be split more than once. I understand it needs to be split, but put it in two different district then. You're taking away our voice.
David Reece
In response to the comments on this map, Salt Lake County is the only county that has to get split, therefore, why not have it be the only county that is split. In order to not split Salt Lake County into three pieces, one of the other big counties, most likely Utah, would need to be split. As for what I am doing with the west side of Salt Lake County, this is the only way I found to not split any of the cities up and keep things contiguous and within the 0.1% allowable deviation. If there is another way of distributing the cities without cutting any of them, I would love to see it.
Robert Dood
This is atrocious: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Robert Dood
This is atrocious: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Robert Dood
This is an atrocious gerrymander: an obvious attempt to crack Salt Lake and keep Stewart and Owens in power, both of whom flagrantly ignore their urban constituents. Utah is 90% urban.
Rachel Legree
This doesn't keep like communities together - it simply splits SLC.
Jeffrey Rust
There is no objective and logical reason to split Salt Lake County into more than two districts. The most fair and logical process would be to follow county lines as much as possible. Where that is not possible because of population, then never split a County into more than two districts.
Stuart Hepworth
Whatever you're trying to do with the west side of salt lake county, I promise you there's a better way.
Malcolm Reid
As a design principle, no county or city should be split into more than two districts.